Hotel Naumi
One can perceive a vibrant zing to the essence of Naumi Hotel the moment one steps off the carriage to behold its unusual horti-graffiti facade. The grandest element of Naumi Hotel is the views afforded at its roof top pool.

The owners of Naumi Hotel also own the famous Rang Mahal restaurant so it is only natural that a dining extension has been installed within the hotel bearing the brand. Seah Street used to house quite a few old school Chicken Rice restaurants but only 2 remain today. Liang Seah Street further down the block has turned hip with hotpot restaurants and dessert joints. The entire street is cordoned off over weekends so diners can wander and peruse the dining options along the stretch.

As a boutique hotel service here can stand to be meaningfully amplified to jack up the stature of the hotel. A pity it isn't.

True, small can be beautiful and largeness can loom from clever concepts and this slick city sanctum makes up for its lack of stature with a liberal dash of modish accents that invoke fashionable sentiments amidst regimental layouts. The lighted alabaster vanities within the Habitat rooms are a clever feature to jazz up a small space, highlighting design over size but it is ultimately an uneasy truce when one is wont to knock into something at every turn, especially under the writing desk where a panel hidden from view could prove to be painful encounters for one's kneecaps.